Complaints and appeals

We’ve provided easy ways on our website for you to provide feedback, raise a complaint or make an appeal.

Provide feedback on the service we provide

We welcome and value your comments on the standard of service we provide. It helps us to understand what we’re doing well, and where we need to improve. If you’d like to provide feedback about your experience with us, we have a feedback form which we’d encourage you to complete.

What to do if things go wrong

One of our main objectives is to make sure we deliver a high quality service. If something goes wrong, however, please let us know so we can put things right as quickly as possible. We’ve published a complaints policy, and you can complete one of the following forms so our team can help you:

Informal complaint

You can use our feedback form to raise an informal complaint.

You can let us know if something didn’t go quite right for you, and your feedback will help us to improve our service for all our members.

There’s an option on the form where you can ask for a member of our team to respond. If you choose this option, we’ll reply in 5 working days to your preferred method.

Formal complaint

If you’ve already raised an informal complaint, and aren’t happy with our response, you can use our complaint form to raise a formal complaint.

Once you’ve submitted your form, a member of our team will be in touch in 5 working days.

Appeals procedure

If you feel your complaint is unresolved, you can follow our formal appeals procedure called the Application for Adjudication of Disagreements Procedure (AADP).

You’ll find 3 documents attached to this page:

  • Complaints and appeals guide
  • Applications for adjudication of disagreements procedure leaflet
  • Application for adjudication of a disagreement form

You’ll need to read the guide and leaflet before completing the application form.

Further help

If you aren’t happy with the response to your appeal, or require further information, there’s 2 third party organisations you can contact for support.

The Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman offer a free, fair and impartial service. They have the legal power to settle complaints and disputes.

You can visit the Pensions Ombudsman, or contact them by phone or post:

  • Telephone: 0800 917 4487
  • Write to:
    The Pensions Ombudsman
    10 South Colonnade
    Canary Wharf
    E14 4PU

Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)

MaPS offers free information, advice and guidance on your pension. You can visit the Money and Pensions Service, or contact them by phone or post:

  • Telephone: 01159 659570
  • Write to:
    Money and Pensions Service
    Bedford Borough Hall
    Cauldwell Street
    MK42 9AP